The Board of Commissioners will hold a Budget Workshop on July 25th at 2:00pm before the monthly Board meeting.


Formation of the Immokalee Fire Control District

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Transcribed from original letter written by Mr. Jack Whisnant
In the early days of Immokalee, a fire was usually a complete disaster to whatever it struck, be it home business, barn, packing house or whatever. The nearest available fire departments were located in LaBelle, twenty-five miles to the north, and Fort Myers, thirty-five miles to the west.
In the first part of 1950, some Immokalee men; Lonnie Curry, Fred Edentielo, Joe Brown, and several others, flew over to Belle Glade, where they met with a fire marshal to obtain information on acquiring fire protection equipment for Immokalee, and how to form a fire department. Some short while later, formation of the fire department was discussed at a Lions Club meeting. Donations were pledged throughout town to assist in purchasing equipment and interest built up, but soon faded as no monies materialized and no action was achieved.
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