The Board of Commissioners will hold a Budget Workshop on July 25th at 2:00pm before the monthly Board meeting.

Mission, Vision + Values

The Immokalee Fire Control District is an Independent Special Taxing District established by an act of the Florida Legislature in 1955 (Chapter 55-30666 Laws of Florida), with the latest revision to the District’s codification included in Chapter 2000-363 Laws of Florida and signed by the Governor into law on May 22, 2000, and operating under the authority of Chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes.
The legislation created a fire control and rescue district covering 234 square miles of Collier County, Florida. The purpose of the District is to provide fire protection and prevention services, establish and maintain emergency medical and rescue response services, and acquire and maintain firefighting, rescue, medical, transport, and other emergency equipment.


Our mission is to responsive to the needs of our citizens by providing rapid, professional, humanitarian services essential to the health, safety, and well-being of the community.
We will accomplish this mission through prevention, education, fire suppression, first responder medical services, and other related emergency and non-emergency activities.


Our vision is to actively participate in our community, serve as role models, and strive to efficiently use all of the necessary resources at our command to provide a product deemed excellent by our citizens.